Wabash Generating Station Brought Down


VIGO COUNTY, Ind – The end of the Wabash River Generating Station was heard and in some cases felt across the Wabash Valley Saturday morning.

Around 9:00 a.m. this morning (Saturday 5/2/20) explosive devices were set off that brought down what was left of the 250 ft. tall power plant.

Duke Energy said that Wabash River was a six-unit station that was completed between 1953 and 1968. It was also the site of the 260-megawatt Wabash River Coal Gasification Repowering Project, own by Wabash Valley Power Association and operated by Duke Energy.

Officials say that the plant was closed because it was out dated and to reduce emissions.

It is estimated to take between six and seven months to finish removing scrap and cleaning up the remainder of the plant.

Duke Energy told us that the reason that their plans were not revealed was that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they did not want large groups of people lining up on nearby roadways and packing into other areas to witness the event.

(cover image from Duke Energy of plant when in operation)


Wabash River Generating Station
Duke Energy
Wabash River Generating Station
Duke Energy
Wabash River Generating Station
Duke Energy
Wabash River Generating Station
Duke Energy